All applicants must fill out an application online prior to taking the written Entrance Exam. Applicants should call to schedule the written Entrance Exam; before coming to the testing facility at the appropriate date and time. Applications are valid for one year from the date of submission. Applicants should bring a printed copy of their completed on-line application to the testing location.
In addition, we advise individuals to fill out a new application every six months.
Visit this page for more information.
Entrance Exam
The entrance exam includes memorization, reading comprehension, map analysis. Applicants are expected to contact the Recruiting Division to schedule your entrance exam.
Physical Agility Test
Applicants are expected to arrive at NNPD Headquarters, located at 9710 Jefferson Avenue, 15 minutes prior to the time and date given by the recruiter. Applicants must sign up for a physical agility test during the day of the written exam. If you have additional questions, contact the Recruiting Division at 757-928-4150 for information regarding testing procedures.
Note: Persons requiring special accommodations should contact the Recruiting Division at least 10 working days prior to testing.
The Physical Agility Test consists of the following components:
Three hundred meter run (90 seconds)
5 ft. wall scale (15 seconds)
130 lb. weight drag (30 feet in 15 seconds)
Grip strength - trigger pull (38 caliber revolver handgun, double action mode, 50 rounds dry fire) dominant and weak hand.​
Structured Oral Process
Applicants will be seated in front of a computer monitor to respond to three video scenarios. The video scenarios are designed to analyze behaviors important to police services. Applicants who successfully pass the Structured Oral Process will be assigned to a background investigator.
Background Investigation
A comprehensive background investigation will be conducted on each applicant. The investigation will include, but is not limited to, employment verification, personal references, financial responsibility, credit report, neighbor contacts, and a review of any criminal record.
Panel Review Board
A team of trained panelists review applicants' files.
Polygraph Examination
As only applicants of excellent character are considered, a polygraph examination will be administered to each applicant to ensure compatibility.
Chief of Police Interview
Applicants who successfully complete the background investigation will meet with the Chief of Police for an interview.
Conditional Job Offer
When a vacancy exists, the Chief of Police will consider those applicants who have successfully completed the above steps in the process. Candidates who are extended job offers must successfully complete a medical and psychological evaluation provided at the expense of the city as a condition of employment.
Applicants selected for employment must successfully pass a stringent medical evaluation, given at the city's expense, to determine if applicants are medically capable of performing the essential functions of the job. Your continued employment is based on the successful completion of the medical evaluation.
Applicants selected for employment are required to complete a series of psychological tests to determine if the applicants are psychologically capable of performing the essential functions of the job. Your continued employment is based on the successful completion of the evaluation.